New Mexico at 10,000'

12 09 28 My View From Here: Horseshoe Valley.

light snow

12 09 29 My View From Here: Treetoptrekking.

winter blast

Concrete plant

New Mexico

New Mexico

New Mexico

New Mexico

New Mexico

New Mexico

New Mexico

Here's the other side

Jeep with a view

white truck



GRVI Habitat. KAFB, Bernalillo Co., NM. 05.28.09 #1

GRVI Habitat. KAFB, Bernalillo Co., NM. 05.28.09 #2

Herp Trap 3. Coyote Spring, KAFB, Bernalillo Co., NM. 05.26.09

Beautiful day.

IMG_3379_80_81_tonemapped - Version 2



hike in Cibola National Forrest - 01

Metallic Yucca along I-40

Looking East

Depth of Field

hike in Cibola National Forrest - 09

hike in Cibola National Forrest - 06


hike in Cibola National Forrest - 07

Mountain rocks

Turquoise Trail