Stormy Rail

208/365 - port warwick

A prickly situation

Three Generations of Fighters

Mowing the Cities Lawn

Sharp Lights

1933 Packard Cabriolet DeVille

(14/52) Handshake by Gunther Stilling

Taking Care of Business

1950s Color

One of the best shots I have seen of the Monitor-Merricack Bridge Tunnel ("the M&M"). It was built on the spot that the two ironclad warships fought in the Civil War. This view is looking back to Newport News. I'm usually on it several times per week.

Handshake by Gunther Stilling

1942 Packard Clipper

1936 Packard 120, A More-Plebian Packard

Super Kmart Center interior

near Terminal Ave & I- 664

1936 Packard 120 - Rear

1954 Packard

Scooter's Pony

Goddess of Speed

1940 Packard Super 8 Convertible

Reflecting on the Day

Red-spotted Purple Butterfly

236/365 - Newport News Park

Pagan River (Smithfield,Va)

Winter trail

Denbigh Pier Feb 13 2017-11


Sandy Bottom Park

Sunset at Riverside Pier April 7 2017-4

Sunset over the James River.

Sunset at Riverside Pier April 7 2017-6

Huntington Park Beach

May: Marsh @ Windsor Castle Park - Smithfield, VA

Lions Bridge Feb 12 2017-2

Good Morning, indeed.

Denbigh Pier Feb 13 2017-10


Newport News Sunset 2

Snow Day

Leave Me Be

Denbigh Pier Feb 13 2017-6