Stormy Rail

217/365 - storm across the james

enjoy the view

Three Generations of Fighters

High and dry aircraft carrier

208/365 - port warwick

Mowing the Cities Lawn

(14/52) Handshake by Gunther Stilling

Taking Care of Business

Abandoned Good Time Diner interior

Super Kmart Center interior

Lightning Time

near Terminal Ave & I- 664

Representing 30 Years Of Hornets, 65 Years Worth Of Naval Aviation

Funeral For A Friend & Co-Worker

Overlook Park Pier

Hampton, VA

A prickly situation

taking some time off

Iron Eagle

Going Up

156/365 - The Rubber

Lake Maury

Riverview...usually green!!

Kettle Pond at Lake Maury

Reflecting on the Day


Sunset over the James River.

Crystal Lake at Sandy Bottom Nature Park

Good Morning, indeed.

Snow Day


Crystal Lake at Sandy Bottom Nature Park

Coucher de soleil, Newport News

Winter trail


Lake Maury

295/365 - Take It Easy...

214/365 - Lake Biggins (From the Other Side)

The Path Ahead

Sunrise at Dare Marina

Solitary Sandpiper and Lesser Yellowlegs