Flowering fields in Remington

Evening Ride

Virginia Splendor

Across Poplar Ford

the bottom of the can

Orange Turnpike - Looking East

The Jackson Monument

154th New York at Chancellorsville

20080517 56 Ellwood Wilderness View Stitch

Our room at the Inn at Kelly's Ford

Orange Turnpike - Looking West

View from our room at the Inn at Kelly's Ford

The Jackson Monument - Detail

The Jackson Monument at Chancellorsville

House with Spring Foliage, Lignum, Culpeper County, VA.

Campsite 1

Fairview toward Hazel Grove

Hooker's Advance

Richland Forest Subdivision, Stafford County

"Where'd that damn boat ramp go?" Flooding of Rappahannock River at Kelly's Ford

Hazel Grove toward Union Lines

Virginian afternoon

Culpeper, Virginia

chancellorsville Battlefield

Flowering field

Lightning-bug trails

chancellorsville Battlefield

Tasting Room

Barbed remarks

The Wilderness NB, VA

Stonewall Jackson's Final Words

The Wilderness NB, VA

The Wilderness NB, VA

Chancellorsville National Battlefield, VA

The Wilderness NB, VA

Roger's Ford Drive

Roger's Ford Vinyard

Song Sparrow

Arm of Stonewall Jackson