Scenic route, Rainier view

Day 047/365 - Clear Lake

Truncated Glen

Autumn tennis

Grave of Indian Henry

The Majestic!

What a view..

Mt. Rainier 2

Mt. Rainier 4

layers of clouds and color...

Backyard Feature

Mt Rainier HDR (Edit 1)

Cougar (Mountain Lion)

HDR Tree

Mt Rainier HDR (Edit 3)

layers of mountains...

The Dominant View

Golden Eagle

Mount Rainier Sunset

Light over Eatonville I

mountaincrest 009

little mashel middle falls eatonville wa

Aspenglow on Rainier

Deschutes Falls

Deschutes Falls Park in snow

Lilliputian Of Mashel

from behind Middle Falls of Little Mashel

Lower Little Mashel Falls

Little Mashel Middle Falls

Little Mashel Falls

Old Road

Lower Little Mashel Falls

Road through snowy forest

From behind Little Mashel middle falls

Smith Prairie

Sunrise in tall firs

layers at twilight...

#mtrainer #washington #sunset

Mount Rainier, Washington's finest!