As Far As The Eye Can See

View of a marsh

Point Pelee Lookout

Wild Turkey

Wild Turkey

Northern Cardinal_fem

An Eastern Screech Owl (Red Morph)

Green Frog

Wild Turkey

Red-headed Woodpecker

Carolina Wren

Painted Turtle

Canada Geese at Hillman Marsh

The Driftwood

Magnificent Frigatebird, Leamington, Ontario, Canada, July 1, 2017

Wheatley Marshes

Boardwalk bench...

Saturday Afternoon Is For Napping

Point Pelee

Family outing

Hi Sky Viewing Machine

Dramatic End to the Day

Swimming Carp

Sunset at Sea Cliff

Point Pelee National Park - Common Buckeye

Lake Erie

Grive solitaire - Hermit Thrush

Leamington Ontario

Morning Tug

Last Bit of Leamington, For Now.

M12C0058 - Peele Island ferry Jiimaan at sunrise after running aground near Kingsville

Wind effect!


Point Peele


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Lake Erie stormy sunset

Common Yellowthroat