looking west

Sandia Peak Landscape Overseeing Albuquerque IR

Summer Storms and Sunbeams-

Park View (Embudo Hills)

Looking back to ABQ, distant Mt. Taylor

Active Region 1339

Big Red Blob

the view from my backyard...

Maxin' & Relaxin'

Looking toward i-40 and Three Gun Springs Trail

Tree and clouds

Waiting for the Sun-7714

Route 66, East of Albuquerque, New Mexico 1975

KABQ Runway 8-26 From Two Vantages

12 09 28 My View From Here: Horseshoe Valley.

12 09 29 My View From Here: Treetoptrekking.

D600 Sensor Spots Ruin An Albuquerque Sunset

Looking back to ABQ, distant Mt. Taylor

Neat clouds

New Mexico

Here's the other side

Sunset with a friend

Well? Shall we go? Yes, let's go.

Bugs Bunny & The Roadrunner

Summer Storms and Sunbeams -1


Winter Sunset deep landscape

Cleared for Landing

Sunset arrival

Sandia Sunshade-

Rock Lobster

Bosque Fire

Erysimum capitatum

early morning Chilili NM

Dog Head Fire

High Desert Sunset