Dancing In The Street

She Dared Me

My Hawaiian home

Good Morning

Pop Fly - A Ball's Eye View


View of House From Up Above

PFX Field Tour of Puu Waa Waa_2_25_17_HWMO Credit_25_View of makai area

Green meets Blue

Waimanu Bay

Big Island

Clouds over the Hamakua coast

Not Kentucky

The Milky Way in Hilo,Hawaii

So peaceful!

Waimanu Bay

Big Island forest

The ever crumbling coastline

Honeymoon in Hawaii. So original.

The Forest meets the beach. :)

Kalopa State Recreation Area

Parker Ranch Cows

State Route 19 Between Waimea and Honoka'a, Hawaii

Forest on State Route 19, near Honoka'a, Hawaii

State Route 19 Between Waimea and Honoka'a, Hawaii

Mauna Kea summit with observatories

State Route 19 Between Waimea and Honoka'a, Hawaii

Dreaming of dramatic landscapes (2)

Cattle ranch and horseback ride