Water Lily

Amtrak High Speed

Victory Place - East Brunswick, NJ.

Project M: Day 93 Another Sunset with Andrew!

The Passion

The Pole Dance Champion!!

Dusk at Cheesequake

Grape Leaffolder/Leafroller

Tree and Bench

Lexi Belle

One man's trash...

Rachel Starr

| New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial |

Afternoon Tea

Lisa Ann

Fast Haleigh

I Feel You... (Robi és a Gidák)

The view from the top

Prince Bay

Nameless Pinion caterpillar on Pasture Rose



Autumn in Holmdel Park - New Jersey

Autumn sun

Old Mill

Dock by the Bay

Geese in the Mist

Waiting for the sun

Full-on Autumn

Farmer's Market

Insane Sunrise

Bright Sunrise

Low Tide and Late-Day Sun

Staten Island Tugboat Graveyard

Fall Colors

Misty Morning

Farrington Dam

unlucky clover

Car fire on this beautiful day

Snowy Trail
