Views from a plane

Victory Place - East Brunswick, NJ.

Views from a plane

7764 Newborn Promethea Moth

The Pole Dance Champion!!

Cicada molting

Lexi Belle

Rachel Starr

viper lust

Neoscona crucifera mating

Amtrak High Speed

Pale Beauty

The Passion

One man's trash...

Cosmos flower

Elementary, Watson!

Dusk at Cheesequake

Platform Stairs

Grape Leaffolder/Leafroller

Grass Blade View

Great Spangled Fritillary butterfly

Sunset and Calm Seas

Last Morning of the Year

Fall Colors

Bright Sunrise

Many Color Sunrise

Sunset After The Storm

Staten Island Tugboat Graveyard

South River Dawn

Clearwing Hummingbird Moth on Bergamot at Negri-Nepote Native Grassland Preserve of Franklin Township New Jersey

Insane Sunrise

Parchment Sky

Forest interior

Elks Pine Woods

Mating Pearl Crescents

Odd Sunrise

From Dark to Light

Blue Hour


Geese in the Mist

Misty Morning