From the Top

Top of the Mountain

Mount Panorama Circuit

Bathurst 6 Hours

Loco 2604 Shunting (West View)

Side View of Loco 2604

Machattie Park, Bathurst 1922

Former Methodist Chapel, William Street, Bathurst

Loco 2604 Shunting (East View)

Former Mutual Life Association of Australasia Offices, "Sparta Corner", cnr Bentinck & Keppel Streets, Bathurst

Former office of William Morgan, solicitor, 181 George Street, Bathurst

Gorgeousness, 124A William Street, Bathurst

View Towards Bathurst

Former E. Webb & Co. Branch Cash Store, 23 Keppel Street, Bathurst

Former residence and surgery of the Doctors Brooke Moore, cnr William & Keppel Streets, Bathurst

83 Keppel Street, Bathurst

Former Mutual Life Association of Australasia Offices, "Sparta Corner", cnr Bentinck & Keppel Streets, Bathurst

Former Methodist Parsonage, "Hollydene", 113 Keppel Street, Bathurst

1/75 Keppel Street, Bathurst

49 Keppel Street, Bathurst

William Street, Bathurst

Sunset at Mount Panorama

Sunny Side

Mud Train

Cloud Bombed

VL352 at Brewongle

5907 Banking near Raglan

4522 on a Goods Train

Perthville Pano

Distant Smoke

Banking the Wheat Train on Raglan Bank

Corporate Assistance

Barely a Challenge

Frozen Memories

4843 Georges Plains

Containerised Flour

8964 Money Train

SETs Transfer