Narrow-sepalled Leafy Greenhood (Pterostylis stenosepala)

Narrow-sepalled Leafy Greenhood (Pterostylis stenosepala)

The Old Paris Homestead

Oberon Looking East

Pterostylis macrosepala

Pterostylis macrosepala

Macquarie Homestead

Survey Says

Tarana outlook

Macquarie Homestead, Shearing Shed

Macquarie Homestead, shearing Shed

Tarana to Brewongle

Tarana to Brewongle

Tarana to Brewongle

Tunnel view

Tarana to Brewongle

The view from the waiting shed




Handsome Pairing

Corporate Assistance

GM27-VL-VL at Locksley

Little train on the Prairie

Spring time Indian Pacific

8178 G513-C507-C509 Wambool 26-05-2018-7454


Loco Length

4SA8 NR28-NR25 Wambool 17-01-2018

2018-05-19 SSR G514-BRM001-BRM002 Locksley 8146

Sunny Side

Mud Train

2017-12-04 QUBE QBX006-QBX003 Locksley 8964

Quad Cs through Locksley

SETs Transfer

Old Farmhouse - quite photo friendly

2018-05-19 SSR C505-C504 Gemalla 8178

2017-12-04 SSR C504-BRM002 Tarana Quarry 8146

Containerised Flour

SETS Transfer

Nearing Days End