Northport Bay Marina, View from the Garden

Steps to the Sound

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Long Island Dream

Super Storm Sandy

Sunken Meadow Creek

Northport Bay. Long Island, New York

Creek Steps

Centerport Harbor

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

February Dawn

Callahans Beach

Caumsett in Fall

Northshore Glow

Cold Rising Sun

Algae Way

Infrared Sunset

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Callahans Clouds

I'm so glad we live in a world where there are Octobers.

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Dead Calm III

Autumn Explosion

Callahans Beach Dusk

Small craft Sunset

Gulls & Poles

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Making of Dust in the Wind

Callahans Beach

Sunrise after the storm

Sunken Meadow

Oyster Bay Dock

Long Exposure Sunset