New England Church

Quinebaug River

Black Bear

Rays and Rails

1 Year On Flickr

View from the Visitor's Center

Bonaparte's Gull

Autumn view

View north from Hanks meadow

Swift River Colors

Golden Rails

wild goose-2003-10-02-05

Quabbin Tower Shadow

View of reservoir at last light from Goodnough Dike

View from Gate 52

A winter view.

Morning view at Gate 52

Red necked Grebe

Red breasted Merganser

Silence , Except for the Roar of the Mosquitos!

The Roar of the Rapids

Can you hear the crickets?

Quabbin reservoir lawn

Barn in Field

Old Sturbridge Village, Massachussetts

Frozen pond

Covered bridge

The Reds Win

Mill Pond & Dummerston Bridge

Snowy Swift

Paint me.

Those Crazy Kids

Dam flying turkeys.

Swamp - Unfiltered

Sunrise on Ma Pike

Very New England

Double Rainbow

Quabbin Resevoir 1-6-2013

that little waterfall

Kayaking, Swift river

2006 Early oct