plant bug (Tropidosteptes cardinalis)

2 hours in. Day 2. #festive500 I cross the Delaware, go through a covered bride & climb some gnarly steep closed road for this view. #outsideisfree

waiting for the big one - a bird's-eye view (not stained glass)

High Falls Creek

View of Farms from Horseshoe Bend Park

common sawfly (Subfamily: Nematinae)

mason bee (Osmia [possibly pumila])

metallic wood-boring beetle (Acmaeodera tubulus)

View of Farm from Horseshoe Bend Park 2

syrphid fly (Mallota posticata)

lady beetle (Hyperaspis [inflexa group])

metallic wood-boring beetle (Acmaeodera tubulus)

snipe fly (Rhagio)



"A Diminishing View"

The Bridge on Horseshoe Bend Road

crab spider (Mecaphesa)

Remnants of Development That Was Not to Be

The Delaware River

House Wren (Troglodytes aedon)

Ringing Rocks Park - Precipice

DSC_9768 - December Falls

David R. Johnson Natural Area (3)

Hello Bonjour , C'est la Vie !! #spring #cycling #cafe #cyclinglife #outdoors #awtdoors #jcp #joechahwan #joechahwanphotography #cool #beautiful

October's flow (EXPLORED)

Sergeantsville - NJ

Green Sergeant's Covered Bridge

solebury, pa

Snow on the Lake

Lake Nockamixon


Ringing Rocks-2

Cuttalossa Falls

David R. Johnson Natural Area (2)

Spillway at Lake Nockamixon

Tinicum Park (8)

DSC_0940 - Reflected Sky