Santa Barbara Sunrise

Another Angle On the Rainbow Gate

Drinking It In

Ocean view

Mission Santa Barbara

Stork Fairy

A Quiet Place

Mission Santa Barbara – Hipstamatic Percolated

Shorebirds and seafoam at sunset

"The View" you never get tired of

After Sato

Shoreline Park

Shoreline Playground

Freedom of Flight

Earth, Air, Fire, Water

Paseo Nuevo View from Cañon Perdido Garage

Goleta Pier Sunset

Imminent Storm

Watchful Eye

In the Shadow of the Arches

Tannin stained

Goleta Beach Sunset

Hoover Dam

Horizontals: Seascape with trees


The sky, the sea, the waves & the beach

agave garden at the mission...

Late Day Honey-Kissed Goleta Pier

Santa Barbara, California

view from UCSB campus -- my first time back since summer school in 1983!

Eye in the Sky



strolling in the sand

Campus Point cauldron

choice of path

sheltered shore

Channel Island from Santa Barbara, CA

Campus Point Rocks

The Turtle and the sea