Вид на Москворецкую набережную. View of the Moskvoretskaya embankment

Moscow City

Sunset over the river

Happy Orthodox Easter!

Room with a view

courtyard of temple.

Sunset in Moscow

Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed

a wonderful view

Winter view: Spasskaya Tower and Saint Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Russia

Let's ski!

Klementovsky Church


night embankment

Red square, Moscow

Merry Christmas to all Flickr friends!

Moscow International Business Center (MIBC)

Вечерняя Москва. Evening Moscow

Moscow city, view from the Vorobyovy Gory observation deck

Happy Holidays! Stay safe!

Moscow International Business Center (MIBC)

вид на Колокольню Ивана Великого

Moscow Landscape

Between two storms

Winter sunset

Moscow Cruise

Reflection on the Floating bridge

City landscape

Moscow International House of Music

industrial landscape

Krutitsy. Metropolitan's Chamber


Dark autumn in the park

Moscow river

Reflection on the Floating bridge

Snowy nature

Ensemble of the Novodevichy Convent

Jivopisnyi (picturesque) bridge in Moscow

Autumn in the Moscow park

Bauman park

Downhill skiing all any time of year