View from Grove Park Inn - Asheville NC

Battery Park Apartments, 1 Battle Square, Asheville, North Carolina, USA / Architect: William Lee Stoddart / Completed: 1924 / Architectural style: Beaux-arts / Historism

Pleiades Star Cluster

Lake Pinnacle overlook

Beaverdam Lake at Twilight

View of downtown Asheville, North Carolina, USA

View of downtown Asheville, North Carolina, USA

View of downtown Asheville, North Carolina, USA

View of downtown Asheville, North Carolina, USA

View of downtown Asheville, North Carolina, USA

View of downtown Asheville, North Carolina, USA

Along the Parkway

East of Dillingham

Asheville City Skyline

View of downtown Asheville, North Carolina, USA

Tall bike Nun

Pack Place, Downtown Asheville, NC/USA

View of downtown Asheville, North Carolina, USA

UNC Asheville - UNCA Aerial Photo

View of downtown Asheville, North Carolina, USA

View of downtown Asheville, North Carolina, USA

784 crosses the French Broad

urban landscape, storage silo, graffiti, railroad tracks, Asheville, NC, Apple iPhone 11, 3.1.20

Azalea in Flame

branch pile, French Broad River, old railroad bridge, urban decay, Asheville, NC, 6x6 pinhole camera, Ilford Pan F 50, Moersch Eco Film Developer, 3.17.20

cluster, floral forms, blossoms, Asheville, NC, Ricohflex Dia M, Kodak Tri-X 400, Moersch Eco film developer, 6.21.20

looking up, crumbling railroad bridge, Emma Road, Asheville, NC, Voigtlander Vitomatic II, FPP Derev Pan 200, HC-1110 developer, 7.21.20

pathway, entrance, Community Park at Craggy Park, Asheville, NC, Argus Autronic 35, Eastman Dourble X 200, HC-110 developer, 5.25.20

Asheville, North Carolina Skyline

urban landscape, storage silos (one metal, two concrete), graffiti, railroad tracks, Asheville, NC, Apple iPhone 11, 3.1.20

old railroad bridge, urban decay, graffiti, Emma Road, Asheville, NC, 6x6 pinhole camera, Ilford Pan F 50, Moersch Eco Film Developer, 3.17.20

The View from the Grove Park Inn

dormant kudzu, bare trees, winter landsape, Asheville, NC, Kodak Retina IIIc, Kodak Tri-X 400, Moersch Eco developer, 1.7.20

the road unknown

pine cones, branches, dried kudzu vines, Asheville, NC, Minolta XG-M, Super Albinon 28mm f-2.8, Kodak TMAX 400, Moersch Eco film developer, 6.2.20 (1 of 1)

old railroad bridge, moving water, urban decay, graffiti, French Broad RIver, Asheville, NC, 6x6 pinhole camera, Ilford Pan F 50, Moersch Eco Film Developer, 3.17.20

old railroad bridge, passing train, urban decay, graffiti, Emma Road, Asheville, NC, 6x6 pinhole camera, Ilford Pan F 50, Moersch Eco Film Developer, 3.17.20

Last light over the Blue Ridge Mountains

Grey Winter Creek

willowy plant forms, field, forest's edge, West Asheville, NC, Zenobia, JCH Street Pan 400, HC-110 developer, 6.14.20

two conifer trees, abandoned landscape below Sam's, Asheville, NC, Goerz Box Tengor, Fomapan 200, Moersch Eco film developer, 3.12.20

Sunset View from The Grove Park Inn