View from Grove Park Inn - Asheville NC

The View from the Grove Park Inn

the road unknown

Grove Park Inn

Battery Park Apartments, 1 Battle Square, Asheville, North Carolina, USA / Architect: William Lee Stoddart / Completed: 1924 / Architectural style: Beaux-arts / Historism

Heading out to watch the sunset

Sunset View from The Grove Park Inn

Pleiades Star Cluster

View of downtown Asheville, North Carolina, USA

reach for the sky!

Rain dance

View of downtown Asheville, North Carolina, USA

Asheville City Skyline

Tall bike Nun

Mantidfly--Zeugomantispa minuta

Mountain View, Grove Park Inn, Asheville, NC, 2014

Asheville--Architecture Downtown

You Are the Sunflower of My Life - Apologies to Stevie Wonder! View large. Explore November 3, 2012.

in a fog (Explore)

An Appalachian sunset over Asheville, North Carolina

Dressed for the Season

784 crosses the French Broad

branch pile, French Broad River, old railroad bridge, urban decay, Asheville, NC, 6x6 pinhole camera, Ilford Pan F 50, Moersch Eco Film Developer, 3.17.20

Azalea in Flame

looking up, old abandoned homestead, urban decay, Asheville, NC, 6x6 pinhole camera, Ilford FP4+, Moersch Eco film developer, 3.5.20

Sunrise over Beaver Lake

Asheville, North Carolina Skyline

Morning on Beaver Lake

willowy plant forms, field, forest's edge, West Asheville, NC, Zenobia, JCH Street Pan 400, HC-110 developer, 6.14.20

foggy ride

ivy and vine-covered trees, Community Park at Craggy Park, West Asheville, North Carolina, Olympus XA, Arista.Edu 200, Ilford Ilfosol 3 developer, late March 2018

rear facades, industrial architecture, urban decay, Railroad District, Asheville, NC, Bencini Koroll, Arista.Edu 200, HC-110 developer, 11.12.19

old railroad bridge, passing train, urban decay, graffiti, Emma Road, Asheville, NC, 6x6 pinhole camera, Ilford Pan F 50, Moersch Eco Film Developer, 3.17.20

looking up, treetops, ivy-covered tree trunk, Asheville, North Carolina, Diana F+, Kodak TMAX 400, Ilford Ilfosol 3 developer, early May 2018

along Blue Ridge Avenue, late light, Asheville, NC, Linden Lindar box camera, Kodak Tri-X 400, HC-110 developer, 6.10.20

kudzu-covered landscape, Asheville, NC, Minolta XG-M, Super Albinon 28mm f-2.8, Kodak TMAX 400, Moersch Eco film developer, 6.2.20

Grey Winter Creek

forest, dense, looking up, West Asheville, North Carolina, Panasonic Lumix FZ200, 9.1.18

pink flag markers, garden, tree trunk, distant purple violet, Asheville, NC, Nikon D3300, nikon nikkor 55mm f-3.5, 5.6.20

Last light over the Blue Ridge Mountains