Mahone Bay Churches

LaHave River

Mahone Bay churches

Centennial Trail Walking Bridge

Centennial Bridge II

Nice View, Mader's Cove Road, Nova Scotia - HDR 2

View to the bay

Three Churches

B&W Challenge

Nova Scotia - 2007-10-161

Nova Scotia - 2012-07-118

Slow Down!

Mahone Bay

A View of the Nose

Mahone Bay

What a View!

Another view

This photo does not necessarily reflect the views of the photographer.

Mahone Bay_2018 07 04_2474

Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia

Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia

graveyard orton

Mahone Bay Waterfront, Nova Scotia - HDR

Mahone Bay Nova Scotia

Mahone Bay

Trinity United Church

Running fast

Mahone Bay

Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia

Lunenburg 2-20120714-00175

Early Morning Mist

LaHave River

The Three Churches. (One is clearly missing its spire.)

Spooky !

Mahone Bay

Cape Rouge Sinking

Trinity United Church

Mahone Bay

Mobile Library


Mahone Bay (2)