Green Woodpecker Male (86)

Starling (juvenile) (29)

Mute Swan_0091 Take off Next photo in first comment box

Baby Moorhen just been given food from a first brood baby Aug 20 (43)

Mute Swan flying (24)

Moorhen Female (adult)_0580

Magpie (26) eating mince meat

Black Headed Gull (90)

Mallard taken with my new Trail Camera PICT0248

Starling (juvenile) (31)

Baby Moorhen second brood Running away Aug 20 (15) amazing how they grow to fit there feet

Green Woodpecker Male (81)

Robin (26)

Green Woodpecker (1)

Pied wagtail This years baby (63)

Swan Cob and Penn 0805

Herring Gull (8)

Hybrid Mallard Duck 3 this colour (47) Blondie

Common Darter Dragonfly Male

Collared Dove (17)

Magpie getting a Drink (46)

Smile on Saturday Trees in the picture

True Grit


Waiting for the Tide

Hythe Quay, Maldon

New visitor to the garden

The Wait

Sculptures of Nature

Tollesbury Lightship 'Trinity'

Northey Island & Causeway - National Trust in the East of England

Beach Huts

Strood Pipe Support

Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation canal Essex UK

sun rise (17) Over Tollesbury Marshes Essex and High Tide More photo's below taken aprox 1 minute apart

First Light (Explored)

All That Remains

The English Autumn Vineyard x 3

Old Timer

Lakeside Twilight.

Chapel of St Peter-on-the-Wall It dates from between 660–662.(1)

Essex Wallersea Island.