20140110_F0001: Aerial crepuscular rays from my window sit

House out Paglesham way

Swallow (11) Hello are you Looking at Me and Taking my Photo

Our Caravan when we was living in it on a farm in the snow

We picked up Our New Caravan today Swift Fairway 460 (6) Inside photos below in first comment and the blue van next to us has not moved in the last 10 years

'Behind the Scenes' of the Fiesta magazine 'Out to Lunch' photoshoot - 11 Nov 1986. (003)

'Behind the Scenes' of a Fiesta magazine photoshoot - 11 Nov 1986. (006)

'Behind the Scenes' of the Fiesta magazine 'Out to Lunch' photoshoot - 11 Nov 1986. (010)

'Behind the Scenes' of the Fiesta magazine 'Out to Lunch' photoshoot - 11 Nov 1986. (005)

Fiesta magazine Vol.23 No.2 "Heaven & Hell" feature

St. Peter's Chapel

The Viking View, Northey Island Causeway - National Trust in the East of England

British Railways Standard Class 5, 45157

Our New Caravan Swift Fairway 460 (1)

Elizabeth Hogben (36) - 'Behind the Scenes' of a Fiesta (Vol.20/10) magazine 'Readers' Wives Striptease' photoshoot (on Friday 16 May 1986) 152

Willow silhouette

Boats, bike and ladder at Tollesbury Saltings

Wasp (3)

DMU Southminster 5Sep76

DSC_0717 Old Farm Machinery and spot the 2 lovely Mallards

Heavens Above

Byrhtnoth The Earldorman of Essex - Anglo Saxon Warrior

Maldon winter sunrise........

Northey Island & Causeway - National Trust in the East of England

Sunset at Whetmead

Maldon - promanade - 10 March 2014

Stepping Stones

Starling trees

Maldon from Heybridge

Byrhtnoth The Earldorman of Essex - Anglo Saxon Warrior


• Beach Huts •

35mm of Rain in last 24 Hours (10) No one to use the jumps today

As bad as the weather is everything still looks so cool from the sky!

Wickham Bishops

Autumnus Fungi - Northey Island, Essex

Light & Shade

Cross With Caution

Setting Sun

More Wheat (Explored! 19.08.13)

Benton Hall

Old work shed at Tollesburry, Essex - 11 Aug 20213