Window view - taking the train home

Twisted Tree Silhouette

Tunnel vision

Bird's eye view

Sailing Into The Past - Color

Connecticut River_Panorama

Always the photographer

Young Bald Eagle (Explore)

Taking the long view

gales ferry ladder 25 (view 2)

P&W 3902 | GE B39-8E | Northeast Corridor

New London Ledge Light, Connecticut (& Race Rock Light, New York)

the big picture

New London Union Station | New London, Connecticut

New London Ledge Lighthouse

Where the Sun Shines

The view from my lunch spot right now

Old Friend in a New Light

frame of reference

Shine On

Girl with Dog Sculpture (Explore)

Red Glow

Bridge the Gap to my Heart

Savoring a Seaside Sunset

New London Harbor Light

Beneath the Japanese Feather Maple

Loving Lyme

Light Show

Through the Woods

On the Outside

Gardens at Harkness Memorial State Park

Last magic hour of a great trip.

Fishing in the day's last light

Anchors aweigh

On The Sound

Down The Stretch

Under Sail On Columbia

One way to avoid the crowds...

The Locals