frame of reference

Window view - taking the train home

Window view - taking the train home

A Cold Drink

Looking Through

Taking the long view

Avery Point Lighthouse

Window view - taking the train home

out, then in

New London, Connecticut

Where the Sun Shines

Old Friend in a New Light

First cook out of the year! What a view.

Shine On

Wedding. View.

Twisted Tree Silhouette

Tunnel vision

Girl with Dog Sculpture (Explore)

Rocky Neck State Park Pavilion

long view of island sound

Bird's eye view

Red Glow

Savoring a Seaside Sunset

New London Harbor Light

No sunscreen required

A longer look at Beaver Brook

Loving Lyme

Harkness BW

Japanese Feather Maple

Fishing in the day's last light

On The Sound

Anchors aweigh

Under Sail On Columbia

Down The Stretch

The Locals

One way to avoid the crowds...

Underway On Amistad

Maritime Grace

Sunrise September 17, 2018

Sunset Watch

Here we go again.....