Sapphire Overlook. Dillon, Co

Dillon from Giberson Bay

Skyrocket with Passenger

from the moving vehicle - Kremling, Colorado

Iridium Flare Over Lake Dillon

Cars and Trucks Driving Along I-70

view from mt. royal

Tenmile Peak, near Frisco, Colorado

2008 - 06 - 22 - Keystone living room window

Frisco, Colorado

The clock in Frisco CO 1

Frisco, Colorado

stairs to the sky

Gore Range from across Lake Dillon, Colorado

Heading Out to Ski Country

Lakes & Mountains

Lake Dillon

Top Of The Lake

Monument Plant with Bumble

Dillon Reservoir - Colorado (DTA_4785)

Flowing Water and Green Forest

The Dead Tree at The Bay

Autumnal Bliss

Colorado Mountains


I Do

Come on in, the water's fine

The Town Awakened

On the Trail to 2016

Rainbow Lake

Lake Dillon Serenity

Winter Wonderland