
View over the Creuse at Crozant

View of the ruins from the river Creuse

Egg's eye view

Floorboards And Shadows

This is the view from the toilet!

Dun Night Race

French Socket - unfinished

French WallCloth

White Butterfly

"Ile flotant", or floating island

Dun Night Race

View from the pub

River bank

Cluis (Indre) - Ciel gris

Creuse, soleil couchant (C Monet - W 1226)

la cedelle

Les Eaux semblantes, Creuse, effet de soleil (C Monet - W 1219)

Le Bloc (C Monet - W 1228)

More cute cowlets.... The Limousin is bred for docility.



La #campagne creusoise #Creuse #Crozant #sunset #countryside #limousin

The ruins at Crozant

la cedelle



One goes frolicking

Eguzon-Chantôme (Indre)

Frozen River

Walking in the French countryside.

La Creuse, soleil couchant (C Monet - W 1222a)

9 Aug 2008

9 Aug 2008