Air Brakes

Snow Goose Subject Separation

An Avian Gathering Greets the Morning Sun

Bosque Sunset Sublime

Landing Gear Down

Snow Goose Static

The Motion of the Morning

Thankful for Sandhill Cranes

Gazing GBH at Bosque

How do they do that? [Reprise]

Evening Rush Hour at Bosque

Near Sandhill Symmetry

Good Morning Flickizens

Moonlit Serenity Over Bosque

Snow Goose Grace Turning on a Wing

Bosque Del Apache 10-27-2012-6

Sandhill Cranes By Moonlight

A Hunter's Full Moon Sunrise

Bosque Del Apache 2012-2998

Subtle Reflections

Great Blue Heron Gossip

Coming Right At The Morning

Bosque del Apache NWR

Snow Geese land

Morning Glow

Early Morning at Bosque del Apache


NMTXRoadtrip2013: A Skein of Snow Geese #3

Measuring Moments at the Magic Hour

NMTXRoadtrip 2013: Cranes aloft

A Symphony of Sunset Silhouettes

Bosque del Apache at sunset

You won't want to try this...

Golden Morning Reflections

The Prince of Darkness

The Art of Landing