Scottish Borders . . . Talla Linnfoots

Tinto Summit, Scotland

Talla railway / Mossfennan sheep crossing (P1090800)

Oliver Cromwell 70013

MacEwans Coach Services Optare Solo ( MX55 BXP )

241 What a view!

Carnwath Church

a scottish dog's life. [iPhone] [[EXPLORED]]

The view from the top of Tinto Hill today

The view from the other side of Tinto Hill

The Lovely View.

Culter Fell

Another Lovely View.

View from Tinto Hill

Evening in Broughton

View from Tinto Hill

The View Along Scrape Burn.

Culter Fell

Talla railway / Mossfennan sheep crossing (P1090796)

a scottish dog's life ii [iPhone]

View at work.

. . . dark loch

The Fog

92 029 in Upper Clydesdale south of Abington. Scotland.

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Stobo 27 April 2015-0012.jpg

Dawyck 27 April 2015-023.jpg

Stobo 27 April 2015-0023.jpg

. . . dark loch 2

The Bonnie Purple Heather

Stobo 27 April 2015-0007.jpg

I'm going back again....


Dawyck 27 April 2015-0001.jpg


Green 86s In The Landscape.


"Please don't make me walk anymore!"

Electrics Under A Sky.