Been There, Dune That

Aurora Borealis over Lake Michigan

Alien Probe

Water World

Indiana Dunes - Nature's Loveliness

The Man and the Moon

Making my way to Michigan City

Valley of Sol -- Widescreen Desktop Wallpaper

The Break Up from the Ridge


The East Pierhead Light Upon Return

The Old Lighthouse

The Windy City

Lake View

Conrail #6730 La Porte, Indiana

Rear View Mirror

Conrail Judd Tower, La Porte, Indiana

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Explore)

CSS&SB Michigan City, Indiana Station

CP 8760, NS 7691, NS 8843 - 9/19/2014

Beached Boats

The Lighthouse ...

On the Edge of Eternity

Fun Guy Trio

Green Forest Spring.jpg

Sunset at Michigan City, Indiana East Pierhead Lighthouse (1904)

Sunny Sunday

Sunset Beauty

Shadows in the Sand

Choppy Waters

Sunset Beauty

Along the Beach (Explore)

the right path

Sunset Beauty

A night at the beach

Lake Michigan Beach Scene

BNSF 798 near Union Mills (March 25, 2013)

#IndianaDunes #indianadunesstatepark #indiana #indianalife #lake #michiganlake