Santa Fe 5862 on Conrail - 11/17/1991

Aurora Borealis over Lake Michigan

Lost arts

Open Ended

What A View

Indiana Lightning Storm - March 20, 2011

Water World


Trail's End

Dune Vista

Indiana Dunes Ice-Shelf Melt

Sunrise Over The Dunes

Indiana Dunes Shelf-Ice Melt - Spring 2011

Southern Pacific No. 4449

Garden viewing.

Five Horizons

Chesterton from the air

The Man and the Moon

The Windy City

Allison & Alexis

Red Chicago

On the Edge of Eternity

Indiana Dunes

Sunset by Chicago Skyline, from Indiana Dunes

The Path Less Traveled

Road to Everywhere...

Indiana Dunes

Now Leaving

Black and White of Cloudy Day at Indiana Dunes

Nike Missile Site C-47L Fallout Shelter. Wheeler, Indiana

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INDU_Aerial012_Summer2011_CDillon_NPS Collection

What Lay Beyond the Ominous Gate

INDU_Aerial014_Summer2011_CDillon_NPS Collection

Micro Geology

All welcome