Fallen 2008.10.24

Sharon Cemetery . mr. witsman

Reeling in the Gold



Main Street Elma

We're headin on home, and the sun sets behind us....

Been Here A Long Time

Satsop testing site

Lake Sylvia Bridge

IMG_1451 Usnea longissima

IMG_4273 Cacklers and Snow Geese

IMG_1463 Wilsons Warbler

IMG_1461 Hairy Woodpecker

IMG_4274 Snow Geese and Cacklers

IMG_0813 Killdeer Chick

IMG_1467 Schafer Park

IMG_9703 Cooper's Hawk - Accipiter cooperii

IMG_8259 Juvenile White-crowned Sparrow

IMG_8263 American robin - Turdus migratorius

At Ocean Shores

Day's End

Satsop River Mirroring Action

Nuclear Nature

Photo that nearly cost me my life

lunch spot

The Threat on the Hill

The Two Towers

A nice spot for a break

cooling towers

sunny day at the river

So very many cows