Lakelawn Motel

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View from Cape Forchu Lightstation, Nova Scotia

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Bunker Island Lighthouse

A view from the fenced in, pre-searched area

Yarmouth Harbour

View of the Cape Forchu Lightstation (Yarmouth Light)

Lighthouse view

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view from my old jenkins St. apartment

View from the Cape Forchu Lightstation (Yarmouth Light)

Cape Forchu Lighthouse (view from Cat Rock)

Cape Forchu Lighthouse (view from Outher False Harbour)

Gorgeous view from my parent's house

The Cape Forchu Lightstation, Yarmouth Nova Scotia


Winter Wonderland



Nova Star departs Yarmouth

Cape Forchu Sundown August 16th, 2013

Cape Forchu Light, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

Shoe Factory Falls

Cape Forchu Lightstation at sunrise, Yarmouth Nova Scotia

Tidal Pool

Cape Forchu

Acadia trip

Cape Forchu, Nova Scotia

Wonderful Nova Scotia

yarmouth harbour

Spring skies

Alien Landscape