Town Centre of Banská Štiavnica viewed from Horna Ružova Street

Town Centre of Banská Štiavnica with view of the Lutheran Church

Town Centre of Banská Štiavnica with view of the Calvary in the background

Landscape as viewed from the Calvary Hill, Banská Štiavnica

New Castle - fighting against the Turks

Suzuki Grand Vitara HDR

Frozen Morning

Cottage area

Dajo & Lucka

Banská Štiavnica


Roofs of Banska Stiavnica

sunny day.

Tower of the New Castle

Calvary Banská Štiavnica

View from the synagogue

Under the Old Castle

Banska Stiavnica


Panorama view of the Castle

night at the Holy Trinity Square

240.080-2 ZSSK, R 811 „Sitno“, Jalná – Hronská Dúbrava

Viac pruhov, viac Adidas - 754.052, Os 7508, Trnavá Hora

Autumn in Stiavnicke vrchy

Banska Stiavnica - UNESCO heritage


Kopčoky a kalvária

Sunset in the Woods

Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia

Andrej Kmeť

Let the sun shine

Sun Burst

Sunset Shadows

Steiger Beer

the calvary

Greatest Calvary in Europe

Sunset Stones

Autumn Colors