Lendu man - DR CONGO -

Kilimanjaro Safaris

The Shy Okapi

Lendu girl from Gety, Ituri district - DR CONGO -

Image from page 310 of "In darkest Africa; or, the quest, rescue, and retreat of Emin, governor of Equatoria" (1913)

Image from page 180 of "Alle de wercken, so ouden als nieuwen" (1658)

Image from page 188 of "Records of big game : with their distribution, characteristics, dimensions, weights, and horn & tusk measurements" (1910)

Image from page 371 of "In darkest Africa; or, the quest, rescue, and retreat of Emin, governor of Equatoria" (1913)

Image from page 268 of "Handbook to the ethnographical collections" (1910)

Image from page 184 of "Records of big game with their distribution, characteristics, dimensions, weights, and horn & tusk measurements" (1914)

Image from page 446 of "Records of big game : with their distribution, characteristics, dimensions, weights, and horn & tusk measurements" (1910)

Image from page 198 of "France" (1911)

Image from page 50 of "The story of Africa and its explorers" (1892)

Image from page 628 of "In darkest Africa; or, the quest, rescue, and retreat of Emin, governor of Equatoria" (1913)

Image from page 47 of "The story of Africa and its explorers" (1892)

Image from page 138 of "Monumentum extremi honoris : perennis virtutis piis manibus serenissimi ac potentissimi principis Ferdinandi Mariae, utriusque Bavariae, ac superioris Palatinatus ducis ... : in Regio Electorali Templo RR. PP. Clericorum Regularium

Image from page 419 of "The game animals of Africa" (1908)

Image from page 220 of "Ridpath's Universal history : an account of the origin, primitive condition and ethnic development of the great races of mankind, and of the principal events in the evolution and progress of the civilized life among men and nations

Image from page 564 of "Fasti Mariani cum illustrium diuorum imaginib. & elogijs prope DC. in singulos anni menses diésq SS. natales distributis" (1630)

Image from page 327 of "In darkest Africa; or, the quest, rescue, and retreat of Emin, governor of Equatoria" (1913)

Image from page 330 of "In darkest Africa; or, the quest, rescue, and retreat of Emin, governor of Equatoria" (1913)

Vue de montagnes dans la région de l’Ituri, dans la Province Orientale, en RD Congo

Sky like a Painting!

4 février 2015. Bunia, district de l’Ituri, Province Orientale. Un casque bleu assure la sécurité d’un hélicoptère de la MONUSCO

On the rock - DR Congo -

Paysage d'Ituri - République Démocratique du Congo -

Hills of Djugu

Hills of Djugu

Landscape from Ituri - DR CONGO -

Over Bunia

Hills of Djugu

Hills of Djugu

Hills of Djugu

Carrière d'Iga Barrière (Ituri)

Carrière d'Iga Barrière (Ituri)

Lendu woman walking in the great eastern plain of Similiki - DR CONGO -

Mambasa Rain Forest

Landscape of Africa

Lendu children playing football at the sunset - DR CONGO -

iTuri project 368 edit

Hills of Djugu

Through the window - DR CONGO -