The old shoemaker and his client_Hasselblad

Österreich / Austria: Thayatal

Schuhmacher Richard Wimmer_Hasselblad

Place of Reflection

Hadres (#2)

Hadres (#3)

View on Znojmo from top of city hall

Hardegg - Castle View with Statue

skyline Retz at night

Hardegg - Courtyard View

View from Znojmo

Znojmo - Stadtansicht (town view)

View from the hilltop

2008-08-24 08:54:59 +0200

Hardegg (Lower Austria)

Orchis morio / Green-winged Orchid / Vstavač kukačka

Ctenicera pectinicornis, male / Kovařík zelený, samec

Windmühle in der Wintersonne

Lasiocampa trifolii, caterpillar / Grass Eggar / Bourovec jetelový, housenka

Pyrgus malvae / Grizzled Skipper / Soumračník jahodníkový

bridge, Austrian/Slovakia border

Hardegg castle

Stormclouds over Retz

The Retzer Windmill


DSC_0184 wb

HARDEGG Herbst 2e1

2013_Retz Herbst 3c2

As we conclude a three-day WATERSKI camp in this marvel of a place in South Moravia, some memories linger. Let me share those with you. This picture shows how glassed out it was on Thursday and Friday. Today morning it was a willpower tester with quite a

The guardians

HARDEGG Herbst 2a1

The Retzer Windmill -BW

Österreich / Austria: Hardegg

RETZ Herbst 1a2


HARDEGG Herbst 2b1