

Road with obstacles ... Ukraine, the island of Khortytsya. Etude #150204DSC0044.

Silence... Etude #141230DSC1240.

Autumn evening the boulevard Winter, Zaporozhye, Ukraine.

Stroll at dawn. Etude #150222DSC0113HDR.

In autumn park. On the shore of the pond. Etude #140930DSC0046.

Still a little of winter

Lakefront in February.

Tulipa graniticola

Etude #150222DSC0167.

The terminus of tram 14, Zaporozhye. Fog. Etude #141213DSC0992.

Morning in a winter park. Etude #141213DSC0998.

Lake in the winter fog. Etude #141221DSC1069.

The first rays of the new day. Etude #141011DSC0331.

December morning in city park. Etude #141213DSC0995.

Банк Днепра возле отдыха "Каневское ". Этюд # 140823DSC 0140.

Berth from the past ... Winter. Etude #141205DSC0950.

In the a blizzard. Etude #141130DSC0805.

Waterpipe II

Clouds over the Dnieper. Etude #140823DSC0141.