Angles Sur L'Anglin, France

Bean in view

Snakeshead Fritillary - another viewpoint

Angles sur l'Anglin

View from Our Riverside Hideaway

Neon on Neon on Neon [view on black!]

Into the Vortex

View From the Gliding Sofa

Lone Pine

Three Trees Four Two

String web[ from IGP7543]

Alder lights [view large]

Lone Pine

The Lonely Pine [PK73633]

Wild Cherry blossom [PK77810]

One web makes many views [IGP7543]

View From the River Nook

Mystery One

view along l'anglin.JPG

View on the Gartempe

The Lonely Pine [PK74138]

The Mill, Angles

A field in the countryside

Carpocoris purpureipennis

Angles-sur-l'Anglin: la ville basse

moulin de Lurais

Nice morning [PK77561]

A fractal image from Swirls3 [IMGP1170]

Champs en feu

The little town on Yzeures-sur-Creuse is on the north bank of the Indre River which feed the Loire River. This is the slow moving Indre around sunset.

Angles-sur-l'Anglin - Le pont sur l'Anglin et le château

Puff the Magic Dragon

Angles-sur-l'Anglin - Le moulin et sa chaussée sur l'Anglin

L'écrin d'un souvenir

Angles-sur-l'Anglin - Passerelle sur l'Anglin

Angles sur l'Anglin-0-048

Angles sur l'Anglin-0-082

Fritillaria meleagris

Heron [PK72260]

Angles sur l'Anglin

Wier & water [1IMGP3483]