Marshall County, TN Courthouse - Lewisburg, TN

Hi-Way 50 Drive in Alternate

Of the 788 pictures I have taken of Hannah this week for her 1st Birthday, this is one of my favorites. And it was completely unplanned. After one of our "official" shoots, @therealjohntucker took her for her first barefoot walk in the grass. ❤️:he

Morning Fog

Rainbow over Lewisburg

Bright sun and ice on the cliffs. Brrrrrr. Trouble is, I don't think it's much warmer in Louisiana either......



Bridgestone corporate jet touches down at Ellington Airport open house today 10-2 #lewisburgtn

Fraud Alert #lewisburgtn #saddlecreekgc #marshallcotnchamber

Coming soon #sweetceceslewisburg #governorsplaza #highway55lewisburg #anytimefitnesslewisburg

Studio 7 grand opening tonight 5-8pm at #governorsplaza #lewisburgtn #colorpalettelewisburg #twistedscissorslewisburg #thehaircolewisburgtn #crhairlewisburg #shearperfectionlewisburg

Hair did at #studio@governorsplaza #thehaircolewisburgtn #colorpalettelewisburg #twistedscissorslewisburg #lewisburgtn

Marshall County Citizen of the Year Bill Wallace #missmarshallcotn #lewisburgtn

Crowning Marshall County's best since 1954 #missmarshallcotn #lewisburgtn

Parsons on the Square celebrates grand opening of new soda fountain #lewisburgtn #sundae

Job Fairs in #lewisburgtn June 28 - July 1

Forklift drivers and production Technicians needed #lewisburgtn

4th of July Fireworks in #lewisburgtn

The first leg of our trans-American trek ended after only 300 miles but oh, what a place to stop. #toomuchtraffic #perfectending

Marshall County Community Theater -- Lewisburg, TN

Duck River Electric Co drmec is hosting customer appreciation today in #lewisburgtn

Bonjour Boutique ribbon cutting today on the Square in #lewisburgtn 10 a.m

20160525_192016_Colburn Dr-01

Diamond Rio at Goats, Music and More Festival #lewisburgtn #goatfest16

Sam is a train nut too! Lol ????

Old man now! Wish I could be young again

Job Fairs in #lewisburgtn each week. Find your career here.

Finally got my tree done! It looks way better. The limbs went all the way to the ground and it was hard to mow around.