S Curve

Red-tailed Hawk

The George Washington Bridge on December 16, 2012

Red-tailed Hawk

Guardians of the gods : Chris Lupetti Photography


A Shining City from a Hill

Pretty In Pink

Roadies in the Shade

Waves of Gold

Green Tree Python

The George Washington Bridge

In Transit [Explored]

George Washington Bridge #14 - New York City

The George Washington Bridge on December 10, 2012

George Washington Bridge - New York City

A View of "Guiomar"

the Henry Hudson Parkway & George Washington Bridge

First Light / Primera Luz

A Timely Post......View from my apartment.....1970s

The George Washington Bridge on 1/15/2012

The game of lights

Autumn on the Hudson

The Old Boat House

The Bronx River

The View from Two Trees Island

Hudson River (version 2)

Gazebo in the Distance

Autumn View


Towers in the Park

Magic woods ...

Dia #322 / Day #322

No frogs this time, maybe tomorrow....

New York Botanical Gardens

St. Thomas Episcopal Church

Perfect fall day on the bay.

#gwb #george #washington #bridge #sunset

river, nygb

Dusk in the wood

A stroll in the park