View from our cabin's deck. #MohicanAdventure

Promise of Spring...

Pine Siskins

Mohican Lodge - 19

Through Amish Country

Mohican Lodge - 11

Malabar Farm

Clear Fork of the Mohican

Evening Grosbeaks (type 3)

Mohican Lodge - 17

Mohican Lodge - 16

River view

Mohican Lodge - 06

Looking west from Amity Cemetery

Mohican Lodge - 07

Mohican Lodge - 10

Mohican Lodge - 08

Mohican Lodge - 05

Mohican Lodge - 21


Mohican River View

Lyons Falls at Mohican State Forest

Mohican State Park

Mohican State Park

Mohican State Park

Hiking Mohican

Mohican State Park Ohio

After the rain...

May 1 1974 Blind set up for following flicker shots

Pleasant Hill Hiking Trail