Green Lagoon

The way out

Out of the Darkness

Tennessee Valley View - h803

Cthulhu says turn the flash off!

cathedral caverns view

An "improved" cave entrance

View off of Grant Mountain

Lost Sink Falls

The Rapture

2014 August 13 Traveling to Grant Alabama

2014 August 13 Cathedral Caverns

2014 August 13 Cathedral Caverns

2014 August 13 Cathedral Caverns

2014 August 13 Cathedral Caverns

2014 August 13 Cathedral Caverns

2014 August 13 Cathedral Caverns

2014 August 13 Cathedral Caverns

2014 August 13 Kate Duncan Smith~ Daughter of the American Revolution School DAR

2014 August 13 Cathedral Caverns

2014 August 13 Kate Duncan Smith~ Daughter of the American Revolution School DAR


2014 August 13 Cathedral Caverns

Find Eric. Lol! #hunting #camouflage #trees #leaves

2014 August 13 Traveling to Grant Alabama

2014 August 13 Kate Duncan Smith~ Daughter of the American Revolution School DAR

2014 August 13 Kate Duncan Smith~ Daughter of the American Revolution School DAR

2014 August 13 Cathedral Caverns