Continual flow of living water

Twin Falls Close-up

Whitewater Falls

Whitewater Falls

View from Whitewater

aerial of South Carolina Lake Jocassee Gorges Upstate Mountains

aerial of South Carolina Lake Jocassee Gorges Upstate Mountains

Twin Falls 10-24-2014 31 - Waterfall

Twin Falls 10-24-2014 21 - Waterfall

View of Lake Jocassee

Lower Whitewater Falls viewing platform - 1

Path to down to lower viewing platform for Upper Whitewater Falls

aerial of South Carolina Lake Jocassee Gorges Upstate Mountains

Twin Falls 10-24-2014 30 - Waterfall

Laurel Fork Mtn QTH

Gentle Light

Twin Falls 10-24-2014 32 - Waterfall

Wallhalla State Fish Hatchery

aerial of South Carolina Lake Jocassee Gorges Upstate Mountains

birds eye view of boats on a lake

scenery around lake jocasse gorge

Toxaway Falls from the Toxaway River at the beginning of Spring 2017

Whitewater Falls in Autumn

White Owl Falls

Virginia Hawkins Falls - Jocassee Gorges

White Owl Falls - North Carolina

Whitewater Falls - Still all green

Whitewater Falls in Autumn

Rainbow Falls

Stone Blockhouse Oconee Station

Whitewater Falls in Sapphire, NC. Taken with iPhone 5 & Pro HDR App.

Almost There...

Oconee Trading Post Circa 1792

Rainbow Falls NC

A midsummer day's dream

Upper Whitewater Falls - 01

Upper Whitewater Falls - 03