this and that

misty morning

Illinois Central Office, Amboy, Illinois

rain on the apples

ICG-BN Diamond Amboy, Ill. 2012

October winks out

at the lake

a frog out of water

Shelf Cloud, Lee Co., IL 6/17/2017 2

does sunlight grow on trees?

on the road

Final Days?

it's complicated

08/18/17 enjoying the view and some internet time #photosbynancynieslawski #summer #needlenut1962 #nancynieslawski #green #woodhaven_lakes #woodhavenlakes #blackoaklake #nieslawskinest2 #relaxingday

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barn in the mist

6-26 stream


misty morning flare

woodhaven 9/10

harvest time

good morning, from America

Barn between Amboy & Dixon Illinois