Portrait in Blue

Cape Mudge Lighthouse

Campbell River Sunset

Campbell River Sunset

The Quadra Island Ferry

Good morning! Today's view with my morning coffee. There's something calming about gazing out at the sea that is unparalleled. #explore #explorebc #explorecanada #landscape #landscapelovers #landscape_lovers #landscape_captures #getoutside #goplayoutsid

Down Stairs

End of the Road

Sonora Resort - Wow!

Enjoying a typical West Coast Saturday...

Mallards hiding out

Quadra Island B.C. Nature

grand view of sunrise

Harlequin Ducks

Hug a Tree

Waiting for the Cruise Ship

Suspense is over in Elk Falls Park

The View

Joyce on Canyon View Bridge

Female Mallard time out

Red-breasted Mergansers

Painter's Lodge

Painter's Lodge

Elk Falls Rapids

Discovery Channel

Reflections in the mist

Elk Falls PP

The Campbell River

Quadra Island B.C. Nature

Rocky Lead-in to Elk Falls

WA Kaley Taku 110

Quadra Island B.C. Nature

Discovery Pier

Quadra Island B.C. Nature

Summer Catch

Canadian Waters 18

WA Kaley Taku 116

Elk Falls

Over the Edge - Elk Falls

Gorgeous Gorge - Elk Falls

Block of mangled layers