Saarschleife in the fog

golden landscape

Saarschleife by Sunrise

Saarland: view from castle Montclair to river Saar

Saarschleife October 2012

Viewing Platform

Saarschleife »2«

Forgotten Castle Tower

Luxembourg fields

The Saarschleife

Saar bank

Cloef - Saarschleife | complete view

Sierck-les-Bains (Explore 26-11-2014)

Saarschleife Sunrise

Baumwipfelpfad Saarschleife [8]

Enjoying the View - Sunrise Saarschleife

Château de Malbrouck

Star Trails

571 - Million euro view

Morning Mist

Great View Ahead

Fog at the Saarschleife

Saarschleife verdeckt

Welcome to the jungle

Saarland, Saarschleife (Germany)

noch ein Sonnenstrahl

*It's always the sun II*

*sea of fog*

Ein Bett im Kornfeld

*The Saar @ morning silence*

*Cloef @ sunrise*

flood of light

Saarschleife - Sonnenaufgang, Oktober 2013


Gavisse - IMG_29483


Barley & poppy in the first summer light

october fog

yellow behind trees