Chipping Sparrow

Still Night


midge (Tribe: Chironomini)

encyrtid (Cerchysius)

Carrot Seed Moth (Sitochroa palealis)

leaf beetle (Colaspis)

Scattered Life

Believe it or not, this is New Jersey!

mesh web weaver (Emblyna [possibly subulata])

IMG_9841 - Carbon & Concrete

syrphid fly (Sphaerophoria contigua)

cobweb spider (Theridion)

cluster fly (Pollenia [possibly rudis])

rust fly (Chyliza)

Dimorphic Macalla (Epipaschia superatalis)

rust fly (Chyliza)

leafhopper (Subfamily: Typhlocybinae)


Goldcap Moss-eater Moth (Epimartyria auricrinella)

grass fly (Subfamily: Chloropinae)


Washington's Crossing

At the mercy of winds

Sunset at lake Luxembourg

Core Creek in PA

Silence Before the Storm

You The Night and the Music

Yardley Sunset III

Smith Pond

TSP Sunset

Sheep in Shade

Early Morning, New Hope PA

David R. Johnson Natural Area (2)

Bucks County, PA

Last night at the lake...(HDR)

Shel's Last Stand

Baby Leaves

David R. Johnson Natural Area (3)

Simplicity - Простота

Winter Woods