Double Monarchs

Belted Kingfisher - Megaceryle alcyon

Monarch Migration

Cold Morning

Red-breasted Merganser - immature male

Wood Duck - Aix Sponsa

Bird's eye view from the Ferris wheel...

Depot Town, Ypsilanti, Michigan

Sunday Afternoon Cruise (2)

American White Pelican

Chilling on the Railing

Grand View

Sunday Afternoon Cruise

Holga: Lillie Park

Red-winged Blackbird - Female adult

View from above

Pinhole Panorama

Little Blue Heron - Egretta caerulea

Bald Eagle - Immature

Mallard in Flight

Yahoo Weather App Screenshot

An unusual dam at Crosswinds Marsh - Waltz, Michigan

Van Buren Park - Belleville, Michigan

Belleville Lake - Belleville Michigan

Loonfeather Point Park - Ford Lake - Ypsilanti, Mi.

Lower Huron Metro Park

Pure Michigan

Happy New Year! (292:366)

Happy New Year's! (29I:366)

"Michigan 'Gator Swamp"

Belleville Lake - from Downtown Belleville, Michigan

Day 28I:366

Time stands still...

Stormy Set pano 7-7-17

Sunrise over the Hill

Peninsular Park - Ypsilanti, Michigan

4 Belleville Lake - from Downtown Belleville, Mi.

Ford Lake

Searching For The Moon With Grace

Morning Run...