Flying from the Void 01312012: Explored #68


Into the Setting Sun

Diamonds and dirty snow

Paul Huddlestun at Davis Junction, IL

"Don't look in the trunk! Don't look in the trunk!"

Lone Tree by The Old Rusty Cadillac West of Rochelle, Illinois

Westbound UP 8391 and UP 7681

UP Coal train Meets UP Intermodel

Sunday Drive 912

CMStP&P #1487 Davis Jct., Illinois #2

Location Context for The Old Rusty Cadillac West of Rochelle, Illinois

Rural Decay 1524

Pulling with Heritage Pride

EMD Meet

IC&E 6217

Rural Decay 953

Sunday Drive 900

Yes, It's a Rudder

Sunday Drive 999

Head to Head

Four Different BNSF Liveries

The Old Rusty Cadillac West of Rochelle, Illinois

On the Lone Prairie...

BN train 2

Cadillac and Barn

As Common as Dirt

Springtime at the Petting Zoo

Light leak of the devil

Heritage Unit

Ma and Pa Watch Trains

From the Road

Downtown Malta

BNSF 4398 Eastbound at Rochelle

TORCWORI - from the west


Westbound Freight Train

Wet Caddy

BNSF 7637 Eastbound

UP 4007 Eastbound Entering Rochelle