Great White Egret about to take off

February Morn

We fight now!

Green Orchid Bee (Euglossa viridissim)

Balancing Act!

Winding Boardwalk

Good Morning, Sunshine!

Not the Gray Ghost, Just a Limpkin


Wood Stork Launch

Beautiful Poison

The Gray Ghost

Sunrise over the Wetlands

Your In Trouble Now !

Eclipse Drake is Hen

The flight of the Black-bellied Whistling Duck

Run Lola Run

Northern Harrier flying in the rain

Waiting For The Moment

Flight of the Black-crowned Night Heron

Eye to eye

Green Cay Wetlands

Ripple Wine

Field of gold

American Bittern

Autumn's Approach

At it again with ATBO and MTW!

At the Crack of Dawn

Typical Afternoon

Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach (Ikoflex Ic)

Sun tree

Everglades Canoe Trail

Juvenile Tri-colored Heron

Rainbow Dreams

Above the Cloud Line

~ S m o o t h ~

Cassius Blue (Leptotes cassius)



Juvenile Little Blue Heron looking for a place to land

The flight of the American Bittern