The Spider within...
Sacred Stone: Spider Rock
Kinii' ni gai
Spider Rock
Echoes of the Past
Cliff Dwellers
Lost in Time
P6212978ac Chelly Canyon NM Spider Rock
Feeling small . . .
Sitting on the edge of Canyon de Chelly at Junction Overlook
Antelope House Ruins at Canyon de Chelly National Monument
Viewed from above . . .
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Canyon de Chelly
Canyon de Chelly - Tunnel Overlook
Canyon de Chelly: The White House Trail emerges onto the verdant canyon floor through a tunnel.
White House Ruins in Canyon de Chelly
Naabeehó Bináhásdzo 20160705
Naabeehó Bináhásdzo 20160705
Canyon de Chelly
Naabeehó Bináhásdzo 20160705
Spider Rock, Canyon de Chelly, Chinle, AZ
Spider Rock, Canyon de Chelly
Spider Rock
Canyon de Chelly
Canyon del Muerto
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Canyon De Chelly - River of Trees
Spider Rock Overlook
Spider Rock Tree
Mummy Cave Ruin
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Eyes of the Rock